​FP Professional Development

FP Educational Consultant
Are you an administrator looking for a unique way to energize your staff?
​Are you a teacher interested in learning useful techniques that will help you grow as an educator?
Are you a college student looking for ways to make positive connections with your future students?
Are you looking for a opportunity to get together with other teachers from different schools to learn about helping your students achieve academic and emotional excellence?
If so, then Feelosopher's Path Professional Development is for you. FP Professional Development offers individualized workshops that meet your needs. We can teach a group of teachers or work one-on-one with an individual teacher. FP staff have a combined 25 years experience working with students and their parents to help them achieve their goals.
Find out what FP Professional Development can do for you!
If you...
- love to learn more about teaching gifted kids
- are running an SEL program and would love to enrich your
- are interested in character education
- will become a teacher soon and would love to have a mentor
... then FP Professional Development is for you.
​FP Educational Consultants are available to parents who are looking for additional support in navigating their child's academic and emotional changes. Through a combination of conferences and portfolio-style activities, FP Educational Consultants will work with you and your child to awaken their academic and emotional excellence. Our FP portfolio helps students set short-term and long term goals, both for academics and for their life outside of school. Kids will learn to not just be a success but more importantly feel successful. When they make steps toward their goals, we will celebrate their growth.
We offer a year-long consultant relationship tailored to your family's needs.

If you are thinking...
- I want my child to hit his/her potential.
- I would like to learn how to treat my child so that he/she
will pursue their passions and have a great life.
- I have a kid in middle school and he/she drives me crazy.
What can I do?
- I want to understand why my child's academics are not
getting better.
- I have a kid who has learning differences. How can I help?​
... then contact us to schedule a meeting with an
FP Educational Consultant!
© Copyright 2012 Hiroshi Imase and Erin Leydig All Rights Reserved
FP AfterSchool provides passionate mentoring and top-quality academic support to kids looking for a safe space to be themselves. Meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-6pm, with kids ages 5-13, we go beyond tutoring to empower kids with life skills and emotional awareness.
During this program, kids are introduced to the FP PassionProject - a series of activities that will give them a chance to discover and explore something they find fascinating. FP PassionProject allows kids to take control of their own learning at a time when so much of what they encounter is directed for them by adults.
Interested? Sign up today for a free preview session!​​
Can't come to FP After School? We can bring our FP program to you! ​​
​FP to You is the perfect way to enrich your current curriculum or program. Whether you are a private school looking to incorporate SEL curriculum or a homeschool interested in awakening your child's academic and emotional excellence, FP to You brings innovative, hands-on activities that tap into every childs' curiosity.
Find out more about how our passionate and experienced staff can bring FP to You!​​
New this year, the FP Adventure Program is a chance to give your child the gift of empowerment. Throughout the course of this year-long program, your child will discover their passion, explore the world around them, learn new skills, improve on old skills, make friends, learn from failure, try new things and grow strong in the knowledge that they can achieve anything they set their mind to.
Limited to 5 students, this small but mighty community will meet once a month, 8 weekends throughout the school year for a mix of day trips and overnight excursions throughout the Bay Area. Ongoing support and communication (for both the student and their parents) will be provided between adventures.
Are you up for the adventure?
What makes FP camps unique?
Japan-USA cultural exchange • Kids playing a role in creating their own adventures • Positive mentoring from passionate staff • Safe challenges that expand comfort zones • Opportunities for reflection • Taking time to celebrate • Remembering to be in the moment • Making positive connections with others • Being part of a community