"The Best Summer Camp Ever"
"The Best Summer Camp Ever" camp finished successfully! We were very proud of FP campers to join this adventure. Everone connected positevely with themselves, others, and the world.
During the summer camp, children practiced the following five essential skills to be happy in their life:
1. Shift Perspective: See challenges as learning opportunities.
2. Find Teachable Moments: Recognize when it's your turn to teach, and when it's your turn to learn.
3. Connect Positively with the World: Be in the moment and enjoy what the world has to offer.
4. Connect Positively with Yourself and Others: Be proud of what makes you unique and find positive connection with others.
5. Celebrate: Capture the moment and take time enjoy your successes.​
All the experiences from camp will turn into energy to challenge themselves in the coming school year.
We are looking forward to having an adventure with you in summer 2014!